


Excerpt: Classic Quotes from Naruto

I really love watching "Naruto". Today, I came across the quotes from Itachi that I had copied before, and I decided to organize some other people's quotes as well. I like "Naruto" not only because of its appealing art style, but also because of the values of its characters (for peace) and the many stories that prove that people in the real world can never understand each other, as well as the exposure of the not-so-good things like war, misunderstanding, and hatred that can never be eliminated.

Uchiha Itachi#

Understanding of Shinobi#

Note: Influenced by Shisui, Itachi believes that shinobi are people who endure humiliation and carry burdens in order to achieve their goals.

  • Shinobi are shinobi precisely because they often have to make cruel choices.

  • It is not the person who becomes the Hokage that is recognized by everyone, but the person who is recognized by everyone that becomes the Hokage.

  • The truth... is often hidden in darkness.

  • No matter how dark the village is, no matter how many contradictions there are, I am still Uchiha Itachi of Konoha. (to Sasuke)

Understanding of Reality#

Note: I would call him the philosophical master of the ninja world.

  • As long as people rely on their own knowledge and understanding and are bound by them, they call it reality. Knowledge and understanding are ambiguous things, and reality may just be an illusion. Everyone lives in their own imagination, don't you think?

  • This world is like that. Every person, every moment, is making their own best choice. In the end, the whole reality is in a delicate dynamic balance. The balance can be broken at any time, but a new balance will be established instantly. It's like playing chess, where all the pieces of both sides are locked by each other and cannot be unlocked. And reality is a chess game played by countless people, it's not just a balance between two sides, it's a web that locks everyone and everything together, love, family, friendship, interests, justice, dreams, future, everything. They are all locked together dynamically and subtly influence each other. That's reality.

  • When you decide to accept the results you should have faced and stop running away, the cycle of Izanami will be broken. This is a ninjutsu that guides the user to no longer rely on ninjutsu, but actively accept fate. It advises the user to accept fate, recognize the lessons of the past, and move forward.

  • Thinking that you have everything, thinking that you are invincible, that's why you recklessly rush forward. Because of that, you fear failure and deceive yourself by saying, "I cannot fail." The consequence of deceiving yourself is to lose trust in the power of others. I used to be like that. Both Tobi and I were people who were played by this ninja world, so I understand why he cannot accept and forgive himself no matter what, even though his actions are wrong. However, it is also wrong to only blame him. Perhaps, no single individual is perfect, that's why we attract things that can complement our shortcomings. Only by complementing and supporting each other can we slowly move towards a better direction.

  • In the world of Tsukuyomi, I control space, time, and mass. (to Kakashi)

Genjutsu is a virtual world constructed by the user's imagination. Look, reality is the same. Everyone lives in their own imagination, everyone is under their own genjutsu, and everyone is limited and guided by their own imagination, understanding, and knowledge.

  • Self-awareness is not about achieving everything, it's not about doing everything perfectly. It's about knowing what you can do and what you cannot do. What I want to say is, learn to forgive your own helplessness. It is precisely because you cannot handle everything that you attract things that can complement your own shortcomings.

  • I hope you look at me and find what I lack. So, don't say I used to be perfect.

  • The person who can forgive themselves and accept their true selves is the true strong one.

  • Sasuke, how far can your Sharingan see?

Towards Clan Members#

  • I've said it before, don't judge a person solely based on appearances and assumptions. As long as I endure a little, you will continue to make random guesses. Always talking about "clans", you overestimate your own abilities, so you completely misunderstand my strength, and that's why you fall.

  • Being so obsessed with the organization, being so obsessed with the clan, being so obsessed with honor, it will limit your potential and become a negative factor that hinders your growth. It will also create fear and hatred towards things that you have never seen before. It's really foolish!

Uchiha Madara#

See the reality! In this world, things will not always go as you wish. The longer you live, the more you will realize that reality is filled with helplessness, pain, and emptiness. Where there is light, there will always be shadows. As long as there is the concept of winners, there will always be losers. It is the selfish desire to maintain peace that leads to war. It is because you want to protect love that hatred arises. They are causally related and cannot be separated.

To manipulate others, you must use the darkness in their hearts. If there is no darkness to use, just create one.


Things happen suddenly, and reasons are added later.

Shinra Tensei!

Third Hokage#

Where leaves dance, fire will also burn endlessly.

Wherever leaves are dancing, fire will burn. The shadow of fire will illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout. When you want to protect the people you cherish... that's when the true power of a ninja is revealed.

We only live once, so there's no need to choose a path we don't like. It's okay to live spontaneously or die spontaneously. But no matter which path you choose, don't forget to protect the people you cherish.

Jiraiya, Orochimaru#


  • A man becomes stronger after being dumped. A man who treats it as a joke is incompetent. Besides, happiness is not something a man should pursue.

  • Although your ninja way still needs improvement, this perseverance and determination to never give up is the same as mine!

When you are hurt, you remember hatred; when you hurt others, you receive hatred and feel guilty. But it is only after experiencing this pain that you can truly treat others well. People grow after experiencing pain.

There is no inherent meaning in being alive, but as long as you are alive, you can find interesting things. Just like how you discovered flowers, I discovered you.

Kakashi, Tobi, Might Guy#


  • People are like that, the less ability they have, the more they talk big. Only those who have no ability in the world are always hoping for others' approval.

  • Even with these Sharingan, I still can't see through this world.


  • We call people who break the rules of the ninja world "trash", but those who do not value their comrades are worse than trash.

Might Guy

  • Those who don't believe in themselves have no value in their efforts.

  • Don't apologize for your efforts. It's disrespectful to your efforts!

  • Youth cannot be turned back, so youth has no end.

  • In front of a man who has made up his mind, sympathy and sadness are insults to him.

Maito Dai
If someone talks about you behind your back, it means you are living a much more exciting life than them. Ridicule is praise for you, gossip is applause for your brilliance. They are singing victory songs for you. Because I am not living to please you. - Maito Dai

True victory is not about defeating the strong. It is about protecting what is important to you until the very end. - Maito Dai


Move forward with courage, and do what you say. That's my ninja way!

If I give up, everything will surely become easier, right? Not being noticed by others, isn't that great? But I realized that it's very painful to be like that! However! Once you have friends, you won't give up and keep striving. In the end, you will realize that it's better this way. If you really give up, dreams and everything else will truly disappear.

The place where the person I miss is, is my home.


Is a person's fate like a drifting cloud, carried by the wind, or does the cloud choose its own direction? I'm not sure yet. But in either case, they can drift in the same direction. However, if you choose the latter, you will constantly strive towards your life goals, and only those who have this mindset are truly strong.

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